

The program will provide a residence (single, double and multiple occupancy rooms; maximum capacity of 19) in central El Paso. During the stay, participants will be able to: 

  • Encounter and minister to migrant, refugee or vulnerable immigrant persons, in shelters, guest houses and/or parishes
  • Visit with persons and organizations serving in the El Paso region 
  • Visit with persons and organizations serving the Ciudad Juarez region (optional) 
  • Participate in workshops on Catholic Social Teaching and migrant/border realities 
  • Participate in personal and group reflection and regular community evening prayer
  • Live in community; longer term participants will have the independence needed to fulfill their program

Note: Though not essential, some fluency in Spanish would be beneficial. 

The fee will depend on the duration of stay and format of the group/individual’s goals while here. 

  • $300 registration fee
  • Short-term immersion (up to 7 days): $100/person/night; includes program, staff assistance, lodging, breakfast food and catered evening meals; if Juarez option is chosen, lunch in Juarez
  • Longer-term participation (4 weeks+, i.e., a sabbatical, a semester, a summer or a month) will have an adjusted, lower per diem
  • For 8-27 day immersions, fee will be individually determined

Not included: transportation costs, to and from El Paso AND while in El Paso; insurance; lunch food, which typically will be on the road; dinner outings to restaurants as entertainment. 

For additional information and to inquire about possible participation, contact us. 

Please include information about your group: number of persons wanting to participate (specifying if there are any junior or senior high school-age persons, who would need to bring supervisor); dates when you would like to participate. If possible, please provide more than one option of dates. 

Interested? Contact Us

Email with the size of your group and ideal date(s).